GFDA CONFAB '24 - Good Future Design Alliance


Join the Confabulous annual conference on Thursday, September 12 for a full day at Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, General's Residence. Doors open at 8:30.

This annual conference is sponsored by the Good Future Design Alliance. If you want to know what’s happening right now in the design world, come be a part of a vibrant discussion between interior designers, architects, builders and product makers who are applying the concepts of sustainability to their work. Today. Right now.

Fascinating new ideas, Panel discussions, Thought frameworks, and Networking—all with people who are doing it (not just thinking about it).

Panel Topics include:

  • Deconstruction & Salvage: Let's talk some trash!
  • Interior Design: Toward a more mindful approach
  • Furniture: The Modern Philosophy of Furniture Design
  • Landscape & Architecture: Let the Plants Talk!
  • Reimaginings: Future Think & Green Tech

Date and Time

8:30 AM – 8:08 PM


The General's Residence
1 Fort Mason
San Francisco, CA 94109
