Jean Siegfried Award

The 2020 Jean Siegfried Award is given to one graduating California Peninsula Chapter ASID student member from each of the Chapter colleges. The award consists of a $250 cash prize, and the Chapter pays the awardees’ advancement to the “Emerging Professional” first-year membership dues of $85.  The student also receives a certificate and a whistle with “Jean Siegfried Award” engraved on one side and their name on the other.


Selected by their school’s Progam Directors, the recipients demonstrated:

  • Joyfulness in the learning process:  Recipient should be joyful in academic pursuit and have positive interactions with other students and faculty members.
  • The generosity of Spirit: Recipient should strive for excellence while also consistently celebrating and supporting the success and work of those around them.
  • Kindness in interactions:  Recipient should be loved by their classmates and teachers.
  • Excellence in design skills:  Recipient’s work should be respected by their peers both with regard to timeliness as well as the quality of work.


From 1975 – 1976, Jean Siegried served as the first President of the California Peninsula Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID).  Jean’s colleagues loved her, as she was known for her vibrant presence, joyful enthusiasm, a purse full of unique gifts, and the while she used to round up the troops when meetings became an uproar of chatter and laughter! She was also known for her excellence in design and whimsy. She always incorporated a bird somewhere in her designs.  Finding the bird was often a happy hunt!  When Jean passed away, the Chapter lost a special member.  In Jean’s honor, her family established the Jean Ada Siegfried Fund which has been augmented through the years by the ASID member donations.

[writing credit:  Mary Ann McEwan, ASID, CID, MBA]   


2020 Jean Siegfried Student Award Recipients: