Student Rep to the Board
ASID Student Representative to the Board
The CAPEN Chapter of ASID includes multiple student chapters within our geographic territory and therefore our Board of Directors includes a Student Representative to the Board who serves as a voting member for a one-year term. If you are a student member of ASID in CAPEN, passionate about design, and interested in serving as a representative of ASID CAPEN Student Chapters, please consider applying for this meaningful role!
The application submission deadline for the coming board year is October 1 of each year.
This position is selected by the Board for a single one-year term from among qualified candidates nominated by student chapter presidents, faculty advisors or chapter board members. Qualifying students may also independently submit applications to the board of directors for consideration in the SRB pool. In order to qualify for such board position, the nominee or applicant must be 1) a member of a student chapter operating in the chapter’s geographic area and 2) entering an advanced level of their program at the time of nomination. The SRB shall be selected by the seated chapter board of directors to begin serving on the board beginning October 1, ending September 30.
To learn more about the ASID Wisconsin Student Rep to the Board position and nominations timeline, please email